Sunday 20 May 2012

Patrick Troughton (Doctor Who 2)

After drawing William Hartnell it was only a matter of time before getting around to Patrick Troughton, who played Doctor Who from 1966 to 1969.

Troughton was a hugely versatile actor, to the point where he was unrecogniseable in many of his roles. It was tough to find a picture of him which hadn't been drawn to death by fellow fans and in the end I settled for the one I did because I couldn't find an existing pencil portrait of it, and becuase of the nice bright light shining on the right of the face (his left). I left the paper almost untouched there.

The only problem with that was that the same light made Troughton's left eye appear white, and I originally drew it that way. However it looked plain wrong, so the eye is now shaded (although it still does look a bit 'off'!).

I had not drawn this 'bowl' hairstyle before and to be honest it was harder than I had been imagining. In retrospect I should have made the hair in fewer but longer pencil strokes, rather than my usual style of shorted strokes more concentrated in the darker areas. The result is not bad, but it is not quite Troughton's Dr Who hairstyle.

The best feature in this portrait is probaly the mouth. Unusually the bottom lip is actually lighter than the surrounding skin, and I left it almost completely white. The deep lines from the nose to the corner of the mouth provide some lovely contrast too.

Here is the finished portrait:

As usual, for more pictures or to commission a portrait, visit