Tuesday 29 November 2011

One of the pics that started me off

This is the picture that effectively encouraged me to launch the site www.pencil-pictures.co.uk a few months back. This is a picture of my little girl when she was about 4 years old. I can date it by the fact that her first adult tooth was showing!

I happened to find the photograph whilst looking for something else and thought it was really sweet, and on a whim decided to put pencil to paper to see if I could capture her likeness. Whilst not perfect, I was not displeased with the result, and she is definitely recogniseable from the picture. The mouth is a little bit too dark and a little bit crooked, and one of these days I might go back and change it (though I doubt it). However the shape of the face is just right. She used to have lovely cute baby cheeks (alas now sadly gone) as shown here.

The hardest part was the hair. I had not drawn hair for many years and so tried to draw the individual strands - big mistake! So then I tried to divide the hair into different shaded areas and draw the strands on top. This approach has served me well since, but for this protrait I was just getting my bearings. I have not changed it because I think it is a good idea to compare old pictures with new ones to see if I have improved. Thankfully I usually have (though not always!) so it's a confidence booster - I'd encourage any other budding artists to do the same.

I plan to draw her again one of these days.

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