Sunday 22 January 2012

Another unfinished work

Regular readers of the blog will have realised that most of my pictures are 'unfinished' and there is always something I plan to go back and add. Well this latest is no exception, and is in fact the most unfinished (can I say that?) of them all so far! When I mentioned to an old friend of mine that I was starting an art website he offered me a picture to draw of himself driving a boat on a lake. It was a good picture, although it was small and consequently the resolution was not great. However if there is one advantage of drawing rather than photography it is that using a pencil one can increase the resolution of a picture!

I started off intending to draw only the face but just did not have enough detail for a full facial portrait, so I abandoned that and 'zoomed out' to include the arm on the steering wheel of the boat. I drew the face first, and the lack of detail made me realise it is actually really hard to visualise a face, even that of someone very familiar. I made the face look as good as I could then drew the arm on the steering wheel:

I showed him the picture at this stage and he was happy with it in this state, so I abandoned it there and then! (No sense risking disappointment with more work...) Hence it remains a pencil picture of a head, arm and steering wheel.

As always to see the latest pictures visit

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